البحوث المنشوره عالميا لكلية العلوم
بحوث عام 2014 :
ت | إسم الباحث | إسم البحث | إسم المجلة | المجلد والعدد ورقم الصفحة |
1 | براق كاظم | The effect of solution processing on the power conversion efficiency of P3HT-based organic solar cells | Energy Procedia | 50, pp.237-245 |
2 | براق كاظم | Preparation of Schottky devices (Al-GaAs &Ni-GaAs) and study of some photoelectronic properties | Journal of University of Babylon | 22(2), pp.873-884 |
3 | سراء نصيف مسلم | Combining effect of chevalier herbicide and sunflower residue on arbuscular mycorrhiza. | Iraq Journal of Agriculture | 19(2), pp.197-189 |
4 | سرى علاء سعود | Optimized conditions for bioemulsifier production by local Streptomyces sp. SS 20 Isolated from hydrocarbon contaminated soil | Romanian Biotechnological Letters | 19(1), pp.8979-8993 |
5 | صباح إبراهيم عباس | Effect of Doping and Grain Size on Butane gas sensing properties of In2O3 doped SnO2 | International Journal of World Research | 1(6) |
6 | صباح إبراهيم عباس | Hydrogen Gas Sensors Based On ZnO Thin Films | International Journal of Semiconductor | 4(1), pp.5-14 |
7 | صباح إبراهيم عباس | Structural, Optical and photoluminescence Properties of Nanocrystalline NiO Thin Film | Journal of Advances In Physics | 6(1), pp.1016-1023 |
8 | علي جاسم محمد | InxSn1-x O2 thin films synthesized via spray pyrolysis method and characterized for Glucose detection by means of limped metric sensor. | Int. J. Appl. Inno. in Eng. and Manag. (IJAIEM) | 3, pp. 47-52 |
9 | علي جاسم محمد | Piezoelectric properties for Sn O2 thin films prepared by spray pyrolysis method | Int. J. Nano electronics and materials | 7, pp. 119-148 |
10 | علي جاسم محمد | Amperometric biosensor of SnO2 thin film modified by Pd, In and Ag nanostructure synthesized by CSP method | Applied Nanoscience | 4(8), pp.927-933 |
11 | علي جاسم محمد | Piezoelectrical properties for SnO₂ thin films prepared by spray pyrolysis method | International Journal of Nanoelectronics and Materials (IJNeaM) | 7, pp. 119-148 |
12 | منيرة جلوب اسماعيل | The effect of laser in catalase enzyme , coagulase enzyme , alpha-hemolysin, biofilm and sensitivity of antibiotic of S.aureus isolated from keratitis suppurative | مجلة كلية التربية الاساسية | 20(84), pp. 1-25 |
13 | مهدي حيدر حمادي | Study The predictive value of troponin-I and histopathology changes during acute and chronic myocardial infarction in adult male rat | مجلة علوم المستنصرية | 26(2), pp.13-17 |
14 | مهدي حيدر حمادي | Cryo-induction of myocardial infarction in rats and its effects on Lactate dehydrogenase-1 level and histopathological changes | Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science | 25(2), pp.49-58 |
15 | ندى عبد الله رشيد | A Polynomial Function In The Automatic Reconstruction of Fragmented Objects | Journal of Computer Science | 10 (11), pp.2339-2348 |
16 | نهاد خلف علي | Synthesis of Ge nanostructures on Si substrate by a convenient electrochemical technique at room temperature for different durations | Superlattices and Microstructures | 69, P.129-135 |
14 | نهاد خلف علي | The evolution of Si-capped Ge islands on Si (100) by RF magnetron sputtering and rapid thermal processing: The role of annealing times | Microelectronic Engineering | 126, P. 134-142 |
18 | نهاد خلف علي | Photoluminescence of Ultraviolent Initiated Green Emission from Electrochemically Deposited Germanium Films on (100) Silicon | Journal of The Electrochemical Society | 161, pp. D801-D805 |
19 | نورا أنور عبد الزهرة | Increase the capacity amount of data hiding to least significant bit method | Inventive engineering and sciences | 2(7), pp.5-7 |
بحوث عام 2015 :
ت | إسم الباحث | إسم البحث | إسم المجلة | المجلد والعدد ورقم الصفحة |
1 | اسراء عبد الجبارابراهيم | Studies on the interaction and effect of Mn(Π),Fe(Π),Co(Π),Zn(Π) and Cd(Π)mixed-ligand complexes of cephalexin mono hydrate and furan-2-carboxylic acid to different DNA sources. | Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research | 7(4), pp.815-823 |
2 | اسراء عبد الجبارابراهيم | Plasmid Profile Study of Lactose Fermenters Enterobacteriaceae Isolated from Environmental and Clinical Samples. | Al-Mustansiriyah J. Science | |
3 | اسراء عبد الجبارابراهيم | Activity of Some Medical Plant Extracts with Al2O3 Nanoparticles Binding on Vitality of Bacteria and their Genomes. | Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research | 7(9), pp.645-652 |
4 | اسراء عبد الجبارابراهيم | Detection of E. coli and Rotavirus in Diarrhea among Children Under Five Years Old | Iraqi Journal of Biotechnology | 14(1), pp.85-92 |
5 | اسراء عبد الجبارابراهيم | Pathogenicity Study of a Number of Gram-Negative Bacilli Isolated from Clinical Samples | Diyala Journal For Pure Science | 4(11), pp.48-57 |
6 | اسراء عبد الجبارابراهيم | Isolation, Characterization and Antimicrobial Resistance Patterns of Lactose-Fermenter Enterobacteriaceae Isolates from Clinical and Environmental Samples | Open Journal of Medical Microbiology | 5(4), pp.169-177 |
7 | اسراء عبد الجبارابراهيم | Studies on the interaction and effect of Mn(II), Fe(II), Co(II), Ni(II),Cu(II), Zn(II) and Cd(II) mixed- ligand complexes of cephalexin mono hydrate and furan-2-carboxylic acid to different DNA sources | Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research | 7(4), pp.815-823 |
8 | اسماء سامي ابراهيم | The study of behavioral changes in Barbus grypus (Heckel, 1843) Fish exposure to Diazinon and Sumicidin insecticides | مجلة العلوم الحدیثة والتراثیة | 3(3), pp.353-359 |
9 | أسماء سامي ابراهيم | دراسة التركيب الكروموسومي لسمكة أبو Mystus pelusius الزمير العميق | مجلة ابن الهيثم للعلوم الصرفة والتطبيقية | 29 (2), pp.292-303 |
10 | أسماء سامي ابراهيم | دراسة التغيرات السلوكية في اسماك الشبوط Barbus المعرضة للمبيدين الديازنون و السومسدينgrypus | مجلة العلوم الحديثة والتراثية | |
11 | براق يحيى كاظم | Enhancement of power conversion efficiency of P3HT: PCBM solar cell using solution processed Alq3 film as electron transport layer | Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics | 26(6), pp.3976-3983 |
12 | براق يحيى كاظم | Gold (III) phthalocyanine chloride: Optical and structural characterization of thin films | Dyes and Pigments | 122, pp.280-285 |
13 | براق يحيى كاظم | Hybrid Materials of Pyrene Substituted Phthalocyanines with Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: Structure and Sensing Properties | RSC Advances | 5(111), pp.91855-91862 |
14 | براق يحيى كاظم | Metal salt modified PEDOT: PSS as anode buffer layer and its effect on power conversion efficiency of organic solar cells | Organic Electronics | 24, pp.73-79 |
15 | براق يحيى كاظم | Performance optimization of P3HT: PCBM solar cells by controlling active layer thickness | EUPVSEC | pp.1090- 1094 |
16 | براق يحيى كاظم | Study the Mechanical Properties of (PVA/SI) Prepared by Sol-Gel Castting Method | Advances in Physics Theories and Applications | 40, pp.29-34 |
14 | براق يحيى كاظم | The effect of fullerene derivatives ratio on P3HT-based organic solar cells | Energy Procedia | 74, pp.439-445 |
18 | جعفر فاضل عودة | Effects of laser pulse energy and annealing process on physical properties of nanostructured SiO2 prepared by pulse laser deposition | International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy | 59, p.35 |
19 | جعفر فاضل عودة | Synthesis and spectroscopic properties of silica nanoparticles as scatter center in random gain porous media | Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology | 75(2), pp. 247–254 |
20 | سراء نصيف مسلم | The low molecular weight heparins (LMWHs) and the purified heparinase from Paenibacillus polymyxa acting as antitumour agents on RD tumor cell line | International Journal of Development and Sustainability | 4, pp.92-102 |
21 | سراء نصيف مسلم | Detection of the Optimal Conditions for Pectate lyase Productivity and Activity by Erwiniachrysanthemi. | Journal of Medical and Bioengineering | 4(3), pp.184-191 |
22 | سراء نصيف مسلم | Detection of the optimal conditions for tannase productivity and activity by Erwinia carotovora | Journal of Medical and Bioengineering | 4(3), pp.198-205 |
23 | سراء نصيف مسلم | Effect of different rates of sunflower residues in combination with low dose of Chevalier on wheat and companion weeds. | Iraq Journal of Agriculture | 20(1), pp.102-111 |
24 | سراء نصيف مسلم | Responsible of corn to skip irrigation, growth regulator and sunflower extract spray. | Field Crop Conference and The festival of Wheat. Iraq | |
25 | سراء نصيف مسلم | Detection of the optimal conditions for inulinase productivity and activity by Acinetobacter baumannii isolated from agricultural rhizosphere soil | Int’l Journal of Advances in Chemical Engg., & Biological Sciences (IJACEBS) | 2, pp. 1-7 |
26 | سراء نصيف مسلم | Detoxification of zearalenone produced by Fusariumgraminearum by purified tannase from Citrobacterfreundii | Greener Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology | 2, p.1 |
27 | عدنان محسن المعموري | Study the Effect of the Different Stimulation Levels for TEOAEs by the Non-Linear Models | Internationale Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering and Management (IJAIEM) | 4(6), pp.69-82 |
28 | عدنان محسن المعموري | Study the Otoacoustic emission Generation by using Nonlinear Model | Elixir Physiology and Anatomy | 80(6), pp.31062-31066 |
29 | علي جاسم محمد | ZnO Nanostructure-Based Amperometric Biosensors | International Journal of Physics | 1(1), pp.20-25 |
30 | علي جاسم محمد | ZnO Nanowire /Nanobelt structured co gal sensor | Enhanced Research in Science Technology and Engineering | 1 (4) , PP.66-74 |
31 | علي جاسم محمد | P8. 8-UTAM ZnO Nanostructured Thin Film CO Sensor | Proceedings SENSOR 2015 | 851-854 |
32 | فاضل كريم فرحان | Thermal analyzer of Polymer blend Nanocomposites | 2015 الموتمر العلمي التخصصي 21 لكلية التربية الجامعة المستنصرية | |
33 | فاضل كريم فرحان | Thermal properties of polymer Reinforced Nano- SiC Nanocomposites. | (AJBAS) | |
34 | فاضل كريم فرحان | Wear and Friction Properties of Polymer blend Nanocomposites | المؤتمر العلمي التخصصي 21 لكلية التربية الجامعة المستنصرية | |
35 | مصطفى عبد الحسين عبد الأمير | Study the of Th-17 cells in the development of bladder cancer in sample of Iraqi patients | International journal for sciences and technology | |
36 | منيرة جلوب اسماعيل | Detection of human papilloma virus in oral squamous cell | International Journal of Current Research | 7(12), pp.23707-23711 |
37 | منيرة جلوب اسماعيل | Experimental study the role of lasA protease of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the treatment of bacterial keratitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus | J. Fac. Med. Baghdad | 57(2) |
38 | مهدي حيدر حمادي | Study The Predictive Value of Troponin–I And Histopathological Changes During Acute and Chronic Myocardial Infarction In Adult Male Rats | Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science | 26(2), pp.13-17 |
39 | مهدي حيدر حمادي | The predictive value of Endothelin-1 and histopathological changes during acute and chronic myocardial infarction in human and rat | Pyrex Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism | 1(2), pp.6-13 |
40 | ندى عبدالله رشيد | A Survey of Classification and Reconstruction Methods for the 2D Archaeological Objects | IEEE Xplore | pp. 142-147 |
41 | ندى عبدالله رشيد | A Survey of Computer Methods in Reconstruction of 3D Archaeological Pottery Objects | International Journal of Advanced Research | 3 (3), pp. 712-714 |
42 | ندى عبدالله رشيد | Archaeological Fragments Classification Based on RGB Color and Texture Features | Journal of Theoretical And Applied Information Technology | 76 (3), pp. 358- 365 |
43 | ندى عبدالله رشيد | Using Both HSV Color and Texture Features to Classify Archaeological Fragments | Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering And Technology. | 10 (12), pp. 1396-1403 |
44 | هبة شاكر احمد | The Cytokine Genetic Polymorphism of Interleukin-10 and Interleukin-12 in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease | Mustansiriya Medical Journal | 14(2), pp. 17-21 |
بحوث عام 2016 :
ت | إسم الباحث | إسم البحث | إسم المجلة | المجلد والعدد ورقم الصفحة |
1 | اسراء عبد الجبارابراهيم | Plasmids cuing for some bacterial isolate by using medical plant extract (Trigonella foenum-graecum L. Olea eurepea Eucalyptus incrassate) | Trigonella foenum-graecum L. Olea eurepea Eucalyptus incrassate | |
2 | اسراء عبد الجبارابراهيم | 16S rRNA Gene Sequencing for Identification of Some Enterobacteriaceae Species Isolated from Tigris River | Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science | 27(3), pp.13-16 |
3 | اسراء عبد الجبارابراهيم | Plasmid Profile of Lactose Fermenters Enterobacteriaceas Isolated from Environmental and Clinical Samples | Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science | 27(2), pp.45-49 |
4 | اسراء عبد الجبارابراهيم | Plasmid cuing for some bacterial isolate by using medical plant extract ( Trigonella foenum-graecum L. Olea eurepea Eucalyptus incrassate) | المؤتمر العلمي النسوي الثالث | |
5 | اسراء عبد الجبارابراهيم | Study the Effect of Some Chemicals Used Locally in Agricultural Processes in Iraq on the DNAof some non-targeted Organi | J. Mater. Environ. Sci. | 7(5), pp.1576-1580 |
6 | اسماء سامي ابراهيم | The Study of Chromosomal Structure in Mystus pelusius (Solander in Russell, 1794) Fish | Ibn AL-Haitham Journal For Pure and Applied Science | 29(2), pp.292-303 |
7 | اسماء سامي ابراهيم | دراسة التمايز الجنسي المظهري في سمكة الشلك Aspius vorax ( Heckel,1843) (Cypriniformes:Cyprinidae) | 4th International Scientific Conference of Genetic and Environment / Cairo , Egypt | 4(1), pp.256-268 |
8 | اسماء سامي ابراهيم | دراسة التمايز الجنسي المظهري لسمكة Aspius vorax الشلك | وقائع مؤتمر الوراثة و البيئة العلمي الدولي الرابع- القاهرة / جمهورية مصر العربية | |
9 | اسماء سامي ابراهيم | Study of The Effect of Adding Ginseng Plant Roots To Feed Small Common Carp Cyprinuscarpio L | International Journal of Current Research | 8(3), pp.27137-27140 |
10 | براق يحيى كاظم | Efficient P3HT: PCBM bulk heterojunction organic solar cells; effect of post deposition thermal treatment | Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics | 27(7), pp.7038-7048 |
11 | براق يحيى كاظم | Intrinsic doping in electrodeposited ZnS thin films for application in large-area optoelectronic devices | Journal of Electronic Materials | 45(6), pp.2710-2717 |
12 | براق يحيى كاظم | Study of the sensor response of spun metal phthalocyanine films to volatile organic vapors using surface plasmon resonance | Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical | 236, pp.605-613 |
13 | براق يحيى كاظم | High performance ternary solar cells based on P3HT: PCBM and ZnPc-hybrids | RSC advances | 6(96), pp.93453-93462 |
14 | براق يحيى كاظم | Effect of dispersion of gold nanoparticles on the properties and alignment of liquid crystalline copper phthalocyanine films | Dyes and Pigments | 125, pp.266-273 |
15 | براق يحيى كاظم | Effect of covalent and non-covalent linking on the structure, optical and electrical properties of novel zinc (II) phthalocyanine functionalized carbon nanomaterials | Polyhedron | 110, pp.37-45 |
16 | براق يحيى كاظم | The effects of organic solvents and their co-solvents on the optical, structural, morphological of P3HT: PCBM organic solar cells | AIP Conference Proceedings | 1758(1) |
14 | براق يحيى كاظم | P3HT: PCBM-based organic solar cells: the effects of different PCBM derivatives | 32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition-Munich | pp.1332- 1337 |
18 | ثامر محي جاسم | Phytochemical Study and Antibacterial Activity of Crude Alkaloids and Mucilage of Cordia myxa in Iraq | International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research | 39(1),pp. 232-236 |
19 | جعفر فاضل عودة | Studying the Structure, the Electric and Magnetic Properties of Ni-Zn Ferrites | International Journal of Advanced Research | 4(3), pp.560-569 |
20 | جعفر فاضل عودة | The Effects of Additive TiO2 Nanoparticles on the Energy Gap of DCM Doped with PS Thin Films | International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy | 68, pp.71-81 |
21 | روى عبد الرضا عزيز | Genetic Elements Responsible for extreme drug resistance (XDR) in Klebsiella pnumoniae var pnumoniae isolated from clinical samples of Iraqi patients | World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | 5(5), pp.1-23 |
22 | ساجدة كريم راضي | Effect of Heating on Bending Behavior of Composite Material | International Journal of Mechanical Engineering | |
23 | سراء نصيف مسلم | Chitosanase purified from bacterial isolate Bacillus licheniformis of ruined vegetables displays broad spectrum biofilm inhibition | Microbial Pathogenesis | 100, pp.257-262 |
24 | سراء نصيف مسلم | Extraction and purification of l-asparaginase produced by acinetobacter baumannii and their antibiofilm activity against some pathogenic bacteria | International Journal of Biotechnology | 5(1), pp.7-14 |
25 | سراء نصيف مسلم | Enhancement of the activity and stability of L-asparaginase food additive purified from Acinetobacter baumannii as anticarcinogenic in processed foods | Int’l Journal of Advances in Chemical Engg., & Biological Sciences (IJACEBS) | 2, pp.35-39 |
26 | صباح إبراهيم عباس | Study of Annealing Temperature on Prepared Iron oxide Nanoparticles by Sol-Gel Method | International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology | 5(4) , pp.5560- 5567 |
27 | فاضل كريم فرحان | Electrical and Mechanical Properties of( ZnO/ UPE- 20%PMMA) Nanocomposites | (IJCM) | |
28 | فاضل كريم فرحان | Study Effect Residence Time on Wear rate for polymer (UBE-PMMA) Reinforced المجلة Nanometer ZnO | (IJSR) | |
29 | لؤي كاظم عبود | Segmentation and Estimation of Brain Tumor Volume in Magnetic Resonance Images Based on T2-Weighted using Hidden Markov Random Field Algorithm | Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC) | 8(3), pp.9-13 |
30 | محمد عبدالباسط عبدالجبار | Isomorphous substitiution of rare-earth elements in lacunary apatite | Inorganic chemistry | 55(5):2165-73 |
31 | مصطفى عبد الحسين عبد الأمير | Immunohistochemical study of natural killer cells in patients with bladder cancer | Iraqi Journal of Science | 57(1C), pp: 583-587 |
32 | منيرة جلوب اسماعيل | Antimicrobial effect of Probiotic Lactobacillus ssp. on Pseudomonas aeruginosa | J. Contemp. Med. Sci. | 3(10), pp. 218–223 |
33 | منيرة جلوب اسماعيل | Antibiotic susceptibility pattern and plasmid profiling of multidrug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from wound infections in Baghdad hospitals | International for Sciences and Technology | |
34 | مهدي حيدر حمادي | Synthesis, Characterization and Polymerization of 1,3,4- Oxadiazole Derivatives of Amoxicillin and Evaluation Antibacterial Activities | Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci | 5(2), pp.511-522 |
35 | ندى عبدالله رشيد | Reconstruction of Ancient Two-Dimensional Objects | Int’l Journal of Computing, Communications & Instrumentation Engg (IJCCIE). | 3 (2), pp.224-228 |
36 | نهاد خلف علي | Effect of coatings and surface modification on porous silicon nanoparticles for delivery of the anticancer drug tamoxifen | Microelectronic Engineering | 161, P. 1-6 |
بحوث عام 2017 :
ت | إسم الباحث | إسم البحث | إسم المجلة | المجلد والعدد ورقم الصفحة |
1 | اسراء عبد الجبارابراهيم | Study the Effect of some Medical Plants in Biofilm Formation and Antibiotic Sensitivity for Klebsiella Pneumoniae | Iraqi Journal of Science | 58(2c), pp.971-983 |
2 | اسراء عبد الجبارابراهيم | The Relation between Bacterial and Heavy Metal Water Pollution and Blood Micronuclei as Biomarkers in the Tigris River Fish | Baghdad Science Journal | 14(1), 126- 134 |
3 | اسراء عبد الجبارابراهيم، اسماء سامي ابراهيم | Comparison of Biofilm Formation by Different Species of Klebsiella | Pak. J. Biotechnol. Vol | 14(4), pp.531-535 |
4 | اسماء سامي ابراهيم | استخدام الكبد والامعاء كمصادر جديدة للتحضيرات الكروموسومية في سمكة Barbus luteusالحمري | وقائع المؤتمر الدولي الثاني لمؤسسة النبلاء الإنسانية ( مؤتمر التنمية المستدامة للبيئة والزراعة ) / القاهرة – جمهورية مصرالعربية | |
5 | اسماء سامي ابراهيم | Use of liver and intestines as a new sources of chromosomal preparations in Barbus luteus fish (Heckel , 1843) | The 2nd international scientific conference of sustainable development of environment and agriculture | pp.9-13 |
6 | براق يحيى كاظم | Thin films of unsubstituted and fluorinated palladium phthalocyanines: Structure and sensor response toward ammonia and hydrogen | The Journal of Physical Chemistry C | 121(2), pp.1200-1209 |
7 | براق يحيى كاظم | Organic solar cells: study of combined effects of active layer nanostructure and electron and hole transport layers | Thin Solid Films | 636, pp.760-764 |
8 | براق يحيى كاظم | Effect of covalent and non-covalent linking of zinc (II) phthalocyanine functionalised carbon nanomaterials on the sensor response to ammonia | Synthetic Metals | 227, pp.78-86 |
9 | براق يحيى كاظم | Modification of morphological and optical properties of ZnO thin film | Karbala International Journal of Modern Science | 3(2), pp.103-110 |
10 | ثامر محي جاسم | Agriculture, active compounds investigation of cola herb (Artemisia abrotanum L.) recently introduced in Iraq | National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology | 7(4), pp.1-4 |
11 | جعفر فاضل عودة | Effect of Substitution of Positive Ion (M+ 2) on the Physical Properties of M-Fe2O4 | Almuthanna Journal of Pure Science (MJPS) | 4(1) |
12 | روى عبد الرضا عزيز | Molecular Analysis of Genetic Elements Responsible for XDR in Highly Successful Pathogen Acinetobacter Baumannii Isolated | Journal of Global Pharma Technology | 04(9),pp.26-39 |
13 | روى عبد الرضا عزيز | Characterization of biofilm production in antibiotic resistant klebsiella pneumonia isolated from different clinical samples in iraqi hospitals | Journal of Global Pharma Technology | 2, pp.26-34 |
14 | زينب فالح نزال | Distribution modeling of hazardous airborne emissions from industrial campuses in Iraq via GIS techniques | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 227(1),p. 012055 |
15 | سراء نصيف مسلم | Weed Management in Sesame Field (Sesamum indicum L ) Using Wheat Straw and Tillage or no Tillage Systems. | American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences | 12(2):100-103 |
16 | سراء نصيف مسلم | Biosafety of handing with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in extraction of chitosan from Trichoderma reesei and using it as antibiofilm agent . | 20th Annual conference of the European Biosafety Association | |
14 | سراء نصيف مسلم | Purification, characterization and antifungal activity of chitinase from Serratia marcescens isolated from fresh vegetables | Ibn AL-Haitham Journal For Pure and Applied Science | 23(1), pp.13-25 |
18 | سراء نصيف مسلم | Synthesis and characterization of nanoparticles conjugated tannase and using it for enhancement of antibacterial activity of tannase produced by Serratia marcescens | Microbial Pathogenesis | 11(10), pp.484-493 |
19 | سراء نصيف مسلم | Improving Of Antibacterial Activity For Antibiotics By Extracted Chitosan From Aspergillus Flavus | International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology | |
20 | سراء نصيف مسلم | Response of maize to skip irrigation and Some of growth regulators and sunflower extract. | College of Agriculture Euphrates Journal of Agriculture Science. | 5(9):249-260 |
21 | سراء نصيف مسلم | Improvement of Antibacterial Activity for Ceftazidime by Partially Purified Tannase from Penicillium expansum | International Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering | 11(7), pp.541-545 |
22 | صباح إبراهيم عباس | Studying of deposit time for CdS thin films prepared by chemical bath deposition (CBD) with two different annealing temperature | Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies | 4(9), pp.36-44 |
23 | صباح إبراهيم عباس | Studying the Effect of the Concentration and Sintering Temperature on the Structural and Optical Properties of Zinc Ferrite (ZnFe2O4) Preparing by Sol-Gel | Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies | 4(9), pp.74-79 |
24 | صباح إبراهيم عباس | Modeling of High Performance Reflection Coatings for Visible Region | Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences | 11(11), pp.186-193 |
25 | صباح إبراهيم عباس | Preparation of Nano Crystalline Zinc –Ferrite as Material for Micro Waves Absorption by Sol-Gel Methods | Indian Journal of Science and Technology | 10(21):1-6 |
26 | صباح إبراهيم عباس | Studying the Effect of the Concentration and Sintering Temperature on the Structural and Optical Properties of Zinc Ferrite (ZnFe2O4) Preparing by Sol-Gel | International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies | 4(15) |
27 | عدنان محسن المعموري | Study the Effect of the Quality Factor of the Transient Evoked Oto-acoustic Emissions (TEOAE) | Research in Otolaryngology | 6(6), pp.47-54 |
28 | علي جاسم محمد | Sensing charectestics of nanostructured Sno2 thin films as Glucose sensor | Energy pjysica. | 119, pp. 473-481 |
29 | فاضل كريم فرحان | Wear and Friction Characteristies of (ZnTiO3 / PMMA) Nanocomposites | (EJRS) | 2(4),6-9 |
30 | فاضل كريم فرحان | Thermal Properties of ( ZnTiO3) / PMMA Nanocomposites | Science and Technology | 7(1): 1-3 |
31 | فاضل كريم فرحان | تاثير اوكسيد الزنك النانوي على خواص الايبوكسي كمعيق للحرارة 7- | الموتمر الرابع الدولي – كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة – جامعة كربلاء 2017 | |
32 | منيرة جلوب اسماعيل | Comparison study between a crude bacterial suspension and purified pseudomonal alkaline protease enzyme effect on the rabbit interleukin-2 following bacterial keratitis | Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies | 5(2): 1048-1052 |
33 | منيرة جلوب اسماعيل | Study of Causative bacterial agents and risk factors predisposing to bacterial keratitis in Iraq | Journal of the Faculty of Medicine Baghdad | 59(1), pp.87-89 |
34 | ندى عبدالله رشيد | Reconstruction of Ancient Two-Dimensional Objects | Int’l Journal of Computing, Communications & Instrumentation Engg (IJCCIE). | 14(9), pp.324-333 |
35 | هبة شاكر أحمد | Cytokine gene polymorphisms in Iraqi Arabs | Human Immunology | 79, pp.91-92 |
36 | هبة شاكر أحمد | Cytokines profiling as prognostic markers in newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia | Iraq Journal of Hematology | 6(2), pp.65-68 |
بحوث عام 2018 :
ت | إسم الباحث | إسم البحث | إسم المجلة | المجلد والعدد ورقم الصفحة |
1 | اسراء عبد الجبارابراهيم | Bacterial Content in Gut For Different Species of Fish Collecting From Tigris River in Baghdad City, Iraq | Tikrit Journal of Pure Science | 23(3), pp.33-37 |
2 | اسراء عبد الجبارابراهيم | Extraction and purification of klebocin from urine isolate Klebsiella pneumonia (k42) | Tikrit Journal of Pure Science | 23(4), pp.22-26 |
3 | اسراء عبد الجبارابراهيم | التحليل البكتيري للجلد والغلاصم لأنواع مختلفة من الاسماك | مجلة تكريت للعلوم الصرفة | 23(5), pp.1-6 |
4 | اسماء سامي ابراهيم | Cytokine gene polymorphisms in Iraqi Arabs | Human Immunology | 79(2), pp.91-92 |
5 | اسماء سامي ابراهيم | Study the sex determination system in Mystus pelusius fish by G – banding technique | The 5th international conference of genetic and environment, وقائع المؤتمر العلمي الدولي الخامس لجمعية صيانة المصادر الوراثية والبيئية العراقية | pp. 41 – 52 |
6 | براق يحيى كاظم | Synthesis and organic solar cell performance of BODIPY and coumarin functionalized SWCNTs or graphene oxide nanomaterials | Dalton Transactions | 9617-9626 |
7 | براق يحيى كاظم | The effects of solvent treated PEDOT: PSS buffer layer in organic solar cells | Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics | 29(16), pp.13889-13896 |
8 | براق يحيى كاظم | The effects of the PEDOT: PSS acidity on the performance and stability of P3HT: PCBM-based OSCs | Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics | 29(22), pp.19287-19295 |
9 | براق يحيى كاظم | Fluorinated Chromium Phthalocyanine Thin Films: Characterization and Ammonia Vapor Detection | Chemosensors | 6(4), p.63 |
10 | براق يحيى كاظم | Preparation of single walled carbon nanotube-pyrene 3D hybrid nanomaterial and its sensor response to ammonia | Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical | 256, pp.853-860 |
11 | براق يحيى كاظم | Rutile TiO2 films as electron transport layer in inverted organic solar cell | Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics | 29(9), pp.7152-7160 |
12 | براق يحيى كاظم | Efficient P3HT: SWCNTs hybrids as hole transport layer in P3HT: PCBM organic solar cells | Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics | 29(11), pp.9418-9426 |
13 | جعفر فاضل عودة | Optical and Morphological Characteristics of Nanostructured Titanium Dioxide Thin Films Prepared by DC Reactive Magnetron Sputtering Technique | International Conference on Materials Engineering and Science | 454(1), pp.012032 |
14 | جعفر فاضل عودة | Preparation and Characterization of Polymer Blend (PVA/PEO) Filled with Methyl Orange Thin Films | Diyala Journal For Pure Science | 14(02), pp.221-234 |
15 | روى عبد الرضا عزيز | Characterization Of A Novel Taylor-Couette Ultraviolet Reactor For Non-Thermal Pasteurization Of Milk | World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | 7(7), pp.160-191 |
16 | زينب فالح نزال | Thermal and Electrical Properties of (PVA_CuCl) composite | مجلة علوم المستنصرية | 30(1), pp.216-220 |
14 | زينب فالح نزال، هند ابراهيم عبد الغفور | The temperature Effect on treatment of Heavy Metals with Zinc Oxide Name tubes from Industrial Wastwater. | Professional Association in Modern Manufacturing Technologies | 7, pp.1-7 |
18 | سراء نصيف مسلم | Chitosan extracted from Aspergillus flavus shows synergistic effect,eases quorum sensing mediated virulence factors and biofilm againstnosocomial pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa | International journal of biological macromolecules | 107, pp.52-58 |
19 | سراء نصيف مسلم | Screening, nutritional optimization and purification for phytase produced by Enterobacter aerogenes and its role in enhancement of hydrocarbons degradation and biofilm inhibition | Microbial pathogenesis | 115, pp.159-167 |
20 | سراء نصيف مسلم | A Novel Genetic Determination of a Lectin Gene in Iraqi Acinetobacter baumannii Isolates and Use of Purified Lectin as an Antibiofilm Agent | Journal of AOAC International | 101(5), pp.1623-1630 |
21 | صباح إبراهيم عباس | Affect the Precipitation Times on the Prepared Nanocystals of CdS by Chemical Bath Deposition | IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering, مؤتمر النانو تكنولوجي في الجامعة التكنولوجية | 454(1), pp.1-8 |
22 | صباح إبراهيم عباس | Studying the Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties by Using Z-Scan Technique for CdS Thin Films Prepared by CBD Technique | Applied Physics Research | 10(3), pp.7- 13 |
23 | صباح إبراهيم عباس | Thermal Performance Enhancement for a Simple Solar Wall | International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science | 3(2), pp. 210-217 |
24 | صباح إبراهيم عباس | Effect of Molar Concentration of Zinc Ferrite (ZnFe2O4) Nano Particles Prepared by Sol-Gel on Microwaves Attenuation | Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies | 5 (1) |
25 | عباس شبيب حسن | colorimetric determination of antioxidant vitamins E and C | Pakistan Journal of Biotechnology | |
26 | فاضل كريم فرحان | Improvement in Mechanical Properties and Wear Resistance of the Nano Composite PMMA / Hydroxyapatite – Zirconia (HA-ZrO2) by Atmospheric Plasma | Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry | 13(5), pp.1-9 |
27 | فاضل كريم فرحان | Improvement Mechanical Properties of PMMA Reinforced Bio ceramic material | Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems | 10(4), pp.1658- 1667 |
28 | فاضل كريم فرحان | Improving Some Mechanical Properties of the System (PMMA-ZrO2) Used in Medical Applications | Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems | 10(10), pp. 1954- 1959 |
29 | فاضل كريم فرحان | Synthesis And Structure of Eggshell Hydroxyapatite Bone Implant | Online Journal of Veterinary Research | 22(6), pp.486-491 |
30 | فاضل كريم فرحان | Improve the surface hardness of the blend PMMA / n- MgTiO3 to resist caries and bacteria | Electronic Journal of General Medicine | 15(6), pp.1-6 |
31 | فاضل كريم فرحان | Heat Transfer and Thermal Expansion of Coefficient EP -(MWCNT/x-TiO2) | Journal of Engineering | 7(29) |
32 | فاضل كريم فرحان | Heat Transfer Properties of PMMA / MgTiO3 Nanocomposies . | International Journal of Science and Research | 7(3), pp.387-391 |
33 | فاضل كريم فرحان | Development artificial dental filling (PMMA) for antibacterial and wear resistance enhanced by bioceramic system CaTiO3 | AL-Qadisiyah Journal of pure Science | 23 (1) |
34 | فاضل كريم فرحان، صباح ابراهيم عباس | Biophysics Properties of NHA – PMMA Used In Medical Applications | International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Developmen | 8(4), pp. 734-740 |
35 | فاضل كريم فرحان، محمد عبيد كاظم | Improvement Thermal and Electrical Properties for system Epoxy-Al2TiZrO7 anoparticles | Jour of Adv Research Dynamical & Control System | 10(4), pp.1581- 1589 |
36 | محمد عبد الباسط عبد الجبار | New Gadolinium-Substituted Lead Sodium Apatite Structure | Functional Materials | 25(4), pp.713-719 |
37 | ندى عبدالله رشيد | Classification and Reconstruction Algorithms for The Archaeological Fragments | Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences | pp.1-12 |
38 | ندى عبدالله رشيد | Object Segmentation from Background of 2D Image | Journal of University of Babylon, Pure and Applied Sciences | 26 (5), pp.204-215 |
39 | ندى عبدالله رشيد | Recognition of Cuneiform Symbols Using Neural Network | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology | 96 (17),pp. 5857-5868 |
بحوث عام 2019 :
ت | إسم الباحث | إسم البحث | إسم المجلة | المجلد والعدد ورقم الصفحة |
1 | احمد صبري غازي | An Uncertainty Investigations for Measurements of Telecommunication Equipment Signals | Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences | 14(6), pp.1725-1728 |
2 | احمد صبري غازي | Prospects of Using the UFMC Technology in 5G / IMT-2020 Networks | Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | 15(2), pp.2502-4752 |
3 | اسراء عبد الجبارابراهيم | Phylogenetic tree analysis based on the 16S sequence alignment for Klebsiella spp. isolated from different sources | Iraqi Journal of Science | 60(12), pp.2618-2628 |
4 | اسراء عبد الجبارابراهيم | Effect of Grinding and Particle Size on Some Physical and Rheological Properties of Chitosan | Arab Universities Journal of Agricultural Sciences | 27(2), pp.1513-1527 |
5 | براق يحيى كاظم | Composite materials of P3HT: PCBM with pyrene substituted zinc (II) phthalocyanines: Characterisation and application in organic solar cells | Solar Energy | 189, pp.1-7 |
6 | براق يحيى كاظم | Morphological, structural, optical, and photovoltaic cell of copolymer P3HT: ICBA and P3HT: PCBM | Optik | 204 |
7 | براق يحيى كاظم | Preparation, morphological, and mechanical characterization of titanium dioxide (TiO2)/polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) composite for gamma-rays radiation shielding | Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 1279(1) |
8 | براق يحيى كاظم | Simple Colorimetric Method Using Aqueous Solution to Detect Heavy Metal | Iraqi Journal of Science | pp.28-33 |
9 | براق يحيى كاظم | The simulated effects of different light intensities on the SiC-based solar cells | Silicon | 11(4), pp.1917-1923 |
10 | ثامر عبد الأمير حسن | The preparing of polyaniline- silver composites by oxidation in comparison with polyaniline –carbon nanotube composites prepared by electro-oxidation for hydrogen sensors | AIP Conference Proceedings | 2190(1), pp.1-11 |
11 | ثامر عبد الأمير حسن ، علي جاسم محمود | A New Piezo-Amperometric Sensing Method Based on Comb-like Nanostructured Zinc Oxide Thin Films for the Efficient Detection of Na2SO4 | Energy Procedia | 157, pp.1191-1201 |
12 | ثامر محي جاسم | Pharmacognostical and phytochemical studies of Iraqi Hibiscus rosa-sinensis | AIP Conference Proceedings | pp.1-6 |
13 | ثامر محي جاسم | Tamarix aphylla L.: A Review | Research J. Pharm. and Tech. | 12(7), pp.3219-3222 |
14 | سرى علاء سعود | Biodegradation of Polyethylene LDPE plastic waste using Locally Isolated Streptomyces sp. | Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research | 11(4), pp.1333-1339 |
15 | سرى علاء سعود | Effects of Ranitidine (Zantac) Drug on the Hormonal Level, Sperm Head Abnormality and Histo-Architecture of the Testis of Albino Male Mice | Asian Journal of Biotechnology and Bioresource Technology | 5(1), pp. 1-7 |
16 | سرى علاء سعود | Histological Effect of Viola Odorata Methanolic Extract and Methotraxate Induced in Albino Male Mice | Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology | 7, pp. 270-277 |
14 | سرى علاء سعود | Histopathological Study and Oxidative Stress, Antioxidants Parameters and Liver Enzymes Activity Determination of Cyperus Methanolic Extract and Glucophage Drug on Albino Male Mice | American Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering | 7(1), pp. 10-15 |
18 | عباس شبيب حسن | Colorimetric determination of iron and zinc in people with gallstones in Diyala governorate | Annals of Tropical Medicine and puplic health | 21, pp.64-72 |
19 | عباس شبيب حسن | Determination of Trifluoperazine Hydrochloride in pure form and dosage form via reaction with sulphanilic acid diazonium salt | Journal Of Global Pharma Technology | |
20 | عدنان محسن المعموري | Effect of Some Factors and Variables on the Frequency – Time Distribution of the Otoacoustic Emissions | Journal of Public Health Research & Development | 10(10), pp. 873-879 |
21 | عدنان محسن المعموري | The Effect of the basilar Membrane roughness on the Otoacoustic Emissions | Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development | 10(5), pp.652-656 |
22 | فاضل كريم فرحان | Cytotoxicity of Magnesium Oxide-Zinc Oxide-Titanium Nanocomposite (MgZnTiO4) on LS 174T Colorectal Adenocarcinoma Cell Line | International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | 11(2), pp. 121-130 |
23 | فاضل كريم فرحان | Effect of water absorption and simulated body fluid on surface hardness of PMMA/PLA-MgZnTiO4 | Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience | 16(1), pp. 68-70 |
24 | فاضل كريم فرحان | Mechanical Investigation of Dental Fillings Polymethylmethacrylate- ZnTiO3 | Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience | 16, pp. 1-5 |
25 | فاضل كريم فرحان | Mechanical Properties of (PMMA/CaTiZrO5) The Biocompatible | Journal of PhysicsJournal of Physics | 1362, pp.1-8 |
26 | فاضل كريم فرحان | Preparation and Development ( C-TBSCCO) System Used in Thermal Application | international Journal of Mechanical and Production | 9(4) |
27 | فاضل كريم فرحان ، امير بدران حمود | Synthesis and Characterization Structure and Physical Properties /50-xTiNi – x Ag/Shape Memory Alloy | Journal of Physics | 1362, pp.1-11 |
28 | فاضل كريم فرحان ، جعفر فاضل عوده | Mechanical Performance Efficiency and Wear Coefficient of PLA-HAZrO2 in Bones Replacements | Oriental Journal of Chemistry | 35(3), pp. 1062-1067 |
29 | فاضل كريم فرحان ، جعفر فاضل عوده | Preparation and improvement of Thermal Expansion Coefficient and Impact Strength of (PMMACaAl2O4) system | Journal of Physics | 1362 , pp.1-11 |
30 | فاضل كريم فرحان ، محمد عبيد كاظم | Preparation and Development of Ceramic System Catio3 for used Medical Applications | Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience | 16(1), pp.109-113 |
31 | فاضل كريم فرحان، محمد عبيد كاظم | Preparation and Characterization Teeth Filling of PMMA/ n-Tio 2 to Wear Resistance and Antibacterial | International Journal of Pharmaceutical Qulality Assurance | 10(3) |
32 | محمد عبد الباسط عبد الجبار | Studying Solid Solutions of Substitution of Pb with Sm in Lead-Sodium Apatite Structure | Nanosystems, nanomaterials, nanotechnologies | 17(2), pp.343–352 |
33 | مهدي حيدر حمادي | Asessment of serum interleukin- 6 and leptin levels in postmenopausal iraqi women | International Journal of pharmaceutical research | 12(1), pp.300-304 |
34 | ندى عبدالله رشيد | Hiding Text in AVI Video File by Method of Least Significant Bit | Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences | 14 (6), pp. 1999-2006 |
35 | هبة شاكر أحمد | Cytokine gene variations and their impact on serum levels of IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-4, IL-10 and IL-12 among Iraqi Arabs | Meta Gene | 19, pp. 98-103 |
بحوث عام 2020 :
ت | إسم الباحث | إسم البحث | إسم المجلة | المجلد والعدد ورقم الصفحة |
1 | هبة شاكر أحمد | Interleukin-1 single nucleotide polymorphisms and risk of systemic lupus erythematosus among Iraqi patients | Meta Gene | 23 |
2 | ندى عبدالله رشيد | Reconstruction algorithm for archaeological fragments using slope features | ETRI Journal WILEY | 42(3):420–432 |
3 | ||||
بحوث عام 2021 :
ت | الباحثون | عنوان البحث | |||||||
1 | أ.م.د.محمد عبد الباسط عبد الجبار | Synthesis of Sodium-Lead Apatite Structure with the Excess and the Lack of Sodium |
بحوث عام 2022 :
1 | م.م.شوق رأفت محمد علي+ أ.م.د.محمد مهدي جواد + أ.م.د.زينب ثامر شويت+ د.سرمد عدنان عبد الرزاق | Evaluation of EOS gene expression and IL-6 Levels in Iraqi patients with psoriasis | Al-Rafidain Journal of Medical Sciences | |||||
2 | م.م.زينب محمود حامد + م.م.زينب سالم حسين | Antibiofilm formation activity of purified lectin from wheat seeds ( Triticum aestivum) against candida albicans causing oral candidiasis | Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies | |||||
3 | د. علاء كامل فليح + د. غياث عباس فاضل | Controlling the overlap of laser pulses | قبول نشر | |||||
9 | حسن علي هادي + سراب تاج الدين + أ.م.د. فاضل كريم فرحان + نادر الحبوبي | Effect of Porosity on Thermal Properties of Porous Silicon | Silicon springer | |||||
10 | أ.م.د محمد حسين الضرب + أ.م.د جعفر فاضل عودة + عمار عبد الله حمد + أحمد يونس + ندى حسين + ربى عبد الرسول + ريا عبد الأمير | ZnO and TiO2/PVA nanocomposite additives effect on the adhesion properties and biological activity of dyes and epoxy | منشور | |||||
11 | أ.م.د. فاضل كريم فرحان | Synthesis and Characterization of Ceramic System β- Tricalcium Phosphate Used in Teeth and Bones Substitutions | IRAQ JORNAL OF applied physics | |||||
12 | أ.م.د. فاضل كريم فرحان | Effect of Bone Protein addition to the system: Calcium Titanate | قيد النشر | |||||
13 | أ.م.د. فاضل كريم فرحان | Preparation and characterization of ZrTiO4 Nano composites as bio ceramic materials | قيد النشر | |||||
14 | أ.م.د. فاضل كريم فرحان | Preparation and Improvement: Electrical and Thermal Conductivity Properties of Ni-Al alloys | NeuroQuantology | |||||
15 | أ.م.د. فاضل كريم فرحان | Improving the Thermal Insulating Properties of (Epoxy – Walnut Shells) Nano Composites | NeuroQuantology | |||||
16 | أ.م.د. فاضل كريم فرحان | Attenuating risks and difficulties in Welding pipelines and offshore structures using the underwater welding process – A Review | Journal of Engineering Sciences and Information Technology ) بحث | |||||
مراجعة ( | ||||||||
17 | أ.م.د. فاضل كريم فرحان | Wear and friction analysis of bio-ceramic cordierite system as orthopedic material | Materials Today: Proceedings | |||||
ELSAVIER | ||||||||
18 | أ.م.د. فاضل كريم فرحان | Empirical and simulated investigation of Bio-ceramic Cordierite as hip joint implant using hip simulator device | NeuroQuantology | |||||
19 | أ.م.د. فاضل كريم فرحان | The Fabrication and Characterization Behavior of Cordierite Ceramic Materials with different Molar Fraction | NeuroQuantology | |||||
21 | أ.م.د. فاضل كريم فرحان | The biomedical investigation of bio ceramic cordierite as orthopedic material | Key Engineering Materials | |||||
23 | أ.م.د. براق يحيى كاظم | Using SWCNTs for enhancing the performance of P3HT:PCBM-based organic solar cell | Journal of Nanostructure | |||||
24 | أ.م.د. محمد عبد الباسط عبد الجبار | The Identification and Synthesis of Barium-Substituted Lead Hydroxyapatite Structure (Pb10-xBax(PO4)6(OH)2) by Ceramic Method | المؤتمر العلمي الدولي الثاني لعلوم الحياة والعلوم الصرفة/كلية العلوم/جامعة الموصل للفترة من 20-2022/10/19 |